Monday, 2 June 2008

Good Weekend

Things are tough. It is amazing how easy it is to be happy when things are good, while ridiculously difficult when things are tough. I am trying to be happy.

I suppose not all things are bad, and bad situations do tend to be more pleasant when they change from severely shitty to reasonably unpleasant. It is a bit like warming up after being painfully numb-cold. The warmth hurts at first, but then sends a pleasant fuzzy feeling all over your body, and you know... This is good.

Well, I am currently at the warmth-hurt part now. Things are looking up, but it is still hurting.

Went sailing on Saturday with a Tokoloshe. She is very pretty -needs some work- but It looks like there are a couple of people finding her a job. Tried to go sailing again with her on Sunday, but there was no wind, and everyone seemed a bit grumpy. I think it was a combination of Saturday night and some confusion/disagreement with the guys. It seemed by the end of our Sunday morning cruise around the Solent, that moods where improving and people started communicating together. Kief! I am looking forward to some fun sailing.

After the cruise, I took a bus back to the train I wrecked on Wed evening. Fixed it mostly, well at least filled the crack with fibreglass repair something-or-other and surface gelcoat repair something-or-other. Sanded it down this morning. Will try a second coat tomorrow morning. Lesson: Do not crash boats...

Anyway, I got a place to sail on a boat AND I mostly fixed the mess-up of Wednesday. Not bad for a weekend! But still not feeling 100% Great! Too much heat.